sâmbătă, 25 iunie 2011
long time no see (and i didn't miss you)
it's been quite a while since i haven't posted anything here, but no biggie.. i'll be back for some fine art poetry so stay tuned.
luni, 9 mai 2011
Don't mind me
As Ii'm writing this I'm sitting on my broken chair which is quite comforting and serves the purpose. There are moments in our lives when we really don't realize the full effect of our actions and most importantly the consequences. We degrade more and more as a society and we, the human beings who form it, are the culprit.
Romania - 10 may 2011.
Another lost soul browsing the biggest realization of modern man kind - the Internet. No more TV for me. It's not that I hate it, nor that I have no cable, but it is for I have no time. school and work. I jump one another with the sole purpose of making my life easier and I do realize that this is the only to achieve it. I have to. Don't be ignorant. You'll have to do it to, unless you were blessed with rich and stupid parents. Mine are poor, but much alike. They do know one thing: how to be a great parent. It's my fault I mostly failed applying their teachings. I'm on the right path though. I will not write about what they taught me.
I have failed as a human being. That is what is important. The problem is that I learn from mistakes, but I rarely get a second chance. That's why we degrade: we fail at reacting with our souls and that is required sometimes.
Some of you might say that our society degrades because of people like me; the ones that use the English language over Romanian...hence the self-loathing.
Romania - 10 may 2011.
Another lost soul browsing the biggest realization of modern man kind - the Internet. No more TV for me. It's not that I hate it, nor that I have no cable, but it is for I have no time. school and work. I jump one another with the sole purpose of making my life easier and I do realize that this is the only to achieve it. I have to. Don't be ignorant. You'll have to do it to, unless you were blessed with rich and stupid parents. Mine are poor, but much alike. They do know one thing: how to be a great parent. It's my fault I mostly failed applying their teachings. I'm on the right path though. I will not write about what they taught me.
I have failed as a human being. That is what is important. The problem is that I learn from mistakes, but I rarely get a second chance. That's why we degrade: we fail at reacting with our souls and that is required sometimes.
Some of you might say that our society degrades because of people like me; the ones that use the English language over Romanian...hence the self-loathing.
vineri, 18 martie 2011
Ati vazut prea bine, ca la consultatii
Doctorii te-ntreaba despre emanatii
Vor sa stie tonul, abundenta, faze,
Unii le zic vânturi, altii le zic gaze.
Dar sa nu va mire daca medicina
Studiaza astazi foarte mult basina
Fiindca-n biologie pentru toti e clar :
A basi e-un lucru foarte necesar.
Toata lumea bese. Asta-i axioma.
Nu intereseaza tonul, sunet sau aroma
În privinta asta toti suntem la fel
Bese si-mparatul în palat la el,
Florea nobilimii, preoti, printi, printese,
Papa de la Roma, bese si iar bese.
Înca-o chestiune trebuie-nteleasa :
Fiecare bese, dar la el acasa !
Fara martori, merge, tare sau încet
Nimeni nu-ti dicteaza ca sa besi discret.
Vrei rafale scurte, sau prelungi sa sune ?
Treaba ta, esti liber, poti sa faci si spume.
Si chiar daca nimeni nu-ti sta împrejur
Poti sa besi în lege, pâna cazi în cur.
Eticheta însa cere sa fii pudic,
Bunul simt pretinde sa nu besi în public !
Ce-ar fi, bunaoara, s-auzi pe cutare
C-a basit în public doamna ... nu stiu care
Sau ca domnisoara, profesoara X
S-a basit în clasa, ieri, la 2 fix ?!
Cum ar fi privite sau calificate ?
Ar mai fi prestigiu, autoritate ?
As, le-ar spune neted "de-al de bese tare"
Cine le-ar mai crede fiinte gratioase ?
Ar fi pur si simplu niste basinoase.
Dar ma-ntorc acuma iar la medicina.
Sa-ti risti sanatatea pentru o basina ?
Sa n-o lasi sa iasa daca esti în public,
Fiindca eticheta cere sa fii pudic ?
În privinta asta sunt pareri mai multe
Cine-ar sta pe toate sa le mai asculte ?
Astfel, dupa unii, poti sa besi oricât
Dar sa stii la vreme sa le strângi de gât.
Poti sa fii acelasi om cu demnitate
De-a le da fâsâite drumu-n libertate.
Asta-i o parere, una dintr-o mie
Dar morala spune ca-i ipocrizie
Ce deosebire e-ntre om si cal ?
Ar mai fi însa si-un aspect moral
Când te-arati în public falnic, gras, falos
Si-n realitate esti un basinos.
Câti nu sunt dintr-astia care bas de zor
Parca stii vreodata ce-i la curul lor !?
Dar ramâne lege ca e indecent
Sa slobozi la gaze de esapament.
Fie, cu morala nu te poti certa
Dar mai iese gazul fara voia ta.
Suiera si geme cu prelung ecou
Iar tu ai nesansa sa fii la birou.
În astfel de cazuri, spune, ce te faci ?
Sa recurgi la scuze, sau sa te prefaci ?
Din experienta, eu va spun cinstit
Ca oricând în viata nu am îndraznit
Sa recurg la scuze; ar fi fost mai rau
Sa roseasca lumea toata-n jurul tau !
Am târsâit un scaun, am facut ceva
Ca sa nu se creada c-am basit cumva.
Si oricât se spune ca sunt ipocrit,
S-au facut si ceilalti ca n-au auzit.
Chiar îndragostitii când admira luna
Cu sau fara voie scapa câte una,
Si cu-o tuse seaca, bine regizata,
Sau cu-o melodie mai pe nas cântata,
Fac ca sa vibreze tot a poezie
Chiar si nedorita, scurta galagie.
Ce-a trecut pin mate si s-a dus în vânt
Si-n care se-ncurca viata pe pamânt
Dar astfel de cazuri, când ipocrizia
Este-asociata chiar cu poezia
Crime moralistii nostri le socot,
Caci morala-si baga nasul peste tot.
În final tot omul se întreaba trist
Sa-l asculti pe medic sau pe moralist ?
Si mai e un lucru, fara vorba multa :
Ce te faci cu curul daca nu te-asculta ????
Doctorii te-ntreaba despre emanatii
Vor sa stie tonul, abundenta, faze,
Unii le zic vânturi, altii le zic gaze.
Dar sa nu va mire daca medicina
Studiaza astazi foarte mult basina
Fiindca-n biologie pentru toti e clar :
A basi e-un lucru foarte necesar.
Toata lumea bese. Asta-i axioma.
Nu intereseaza tonul, sunet sau aroma
În privinta asta toti suntem la fel
Bese si-mparatul în palat la el,
Florea nobilimii, preoti, printi, printese,
Papa de la Roma, bese si iar bese.
Înca-o chestiune trebuie-nteleasa :
Fiecare bese, dar la el acasa !
Fara martori, merge, tare sau încet
Nimeni nu-ti dicteaza ca sa besi discret.
Vrei rafale scurte, sau prelungi sa sune ?
Treaba ta, esti liber, poti sa faci si spume.
Si chiar daca nimeni nu-ti sta împrejur
Poti sa besi în lege, pâna cazi în cur.
Eticheta însa cere sa fii pudic,
Bunul simt pretinde sa nu besi în public !
Ce-ar fi, bunaoara, s-auzi pe cutare
C-a basit în public doamna ... nu stiu care
Sau ca domnisoara, profesoara X
S-a basit în clasa, ieri, la 2 fix ?!
Cum ar fi privite sau calificate ?
Ar mai fi prestigiu, autoritate ?
As, le-ar spune neted "de-al de bese tare"
Cine le-ar mai crede fiinte gratioase ?
Ar fi pur si simplu niste basinoase.
Dar ma-ntorc acuma iar la medicina.
Sa-ti risti sanatatea pentru o basina ?
Sa n-o lasi sa iasa daca esti în public,
Fiindca eticheta cere sa fii pudic ?
În privinta asta sunt pareri mai multe
Cine-ar sta pe toate sa le mai asculte ?
Astfel, dupa unii, poti sa besi oricât
Dar sa stii la vreme sa le strângi de gât.
Poti sa fii acelasi om cu demnitate
De-a le da fâsâite drumu-n libertate.
Asta-i o parere, una dintr-o mie
Dar morala spune ca-i ipocrizie
Ce deosebire e-ntre om si cal ?
Ar mai fi însa si-un aspect moral
Când te-arati în public falnic, gras, falos
Si-n realitate esti un basinos.
Câti nu sunt dintr-astia care bas de zor
Parca stii vreodata ce-i la curul lor !?
Dar ramâne lege ca e indecent
Sa slobozi la gaze de esapament.
Fie, cu morala nu te poti certa
Dar mai iese gazul fara voia ta.
Suiera si geme cu prelung ecou
Iar tu ai nesansa sa fii la birou.
În astfel de cazuri, spune, ce te faci ?
Sa recurgi la scuze, sau sa te prefaci ?
Din experienta, eu va spun cinstit
Ca oricând în viata nu am îndraznit
Sa recurg la scuze; ar fi fost mai rau
Sa roseasca lumea toata-n jurul tau !
Am târsâit un scaun, am facut ceva
Ca sa nu se creada c-am basit cumva.
Si oricât se spune ca sunt ipocrit,
S-au facut si ceilalti ca n-au auzit.
Chiar îndragostitii când admira luna
Cu sau fara voie scapa câte una,
Si cu-o tuse seaca, bine regizata,
Sau cu-o melodie mai pe nas cântata,
Fac ca sa vibreze tot a poezie
Chiar si nedorita, scurta galagie.
Ce-a trecut pin mate si s-a dus în vânt
Si-n care se-ncurca viata pe pamânt
Dar astfel de cazuri, când ipocrizia
Este-asociata chiar cu poezia
Crime moralistii nostri le socot,
Caci morala-si baga nasul peste tot.
În final tot omul se întreaba trist
Sa-l asculti pe medic sau pe moralist ?
Si mai e un lucru, fara vorba multa :
Ce te faci cu curul daca nu te-asculta ????
duminică, 13 martie 2011
the cigarette is burning in the ashtray
I want cigars
i'm turning 20 in the month of May
I want on Mars
I'm running naked on the streets of Dogtown
I want a car
this shit is scaring me right now
I want no war
I'm seeing you as days go by
I want you near
you're pushing me away, but I
I will not fear
you put your money on the safest bet
I want that too
some people don't want what they get
but I want you
I want cigars
i'm turning 20 in the month of May
I want on Mars
I'm running naked on the streets of Dogtown
I want a car
this shit is scaring me right now
I want no war
I'm seeing you as days go by
I want you near
you're pushing me away, but I
I will not fear
you put your money on the safest bet
I want that too
some people don't want what they get
but I want you
vineri, 18 februarie 2011
One the flip side...
Skepticism is what drives intuition. Intuition is a big part of what defines the concept of Genius. In my view, skepticism(not to the extreme) is what differentiates beautiful minds from ignorant ones, true creativity from the unspeakably pathetic routine of our society. Skepticism...my basic foundation. By not believing every single word shoved in your head, by questioning everything in the form of why, how, when and where, by making connections to every related experience you have lived in your "journey through this crazy little thing called life", you are constantly fueling your brain-stem while protecting yourself from the corruption of the big black cock that wants you to wrap your lips around it like a whore and suck hard...MASS MEDIA. MASS MEDIA. MASS MEDIA.
People, "I ain't no goddamn preacher", but the end is near. I am not talking about the end as in apocalypse, but the end as in globalization, where unity of both worlds comes to life, lords of the bling take over every single shred of virgin intelligence and the world, as we knew it comes to die. But the worst part is, that it's all done in such a manner that it resembles the infamous Irish Diplomacy: "The ability to tell someone to go to hell, so that they will be looking forward for the trip". Distraction, Misdirection performed by Harry Fucking Houdini himself and an abundance of euphemisms..
Our first, only and foremost line of defense definitely rhymes with skepticism, you unenlightened tool. Don't go talking shit relying solely on your fundamental frustrations of a pathetic existence. Don't you dare try and shape us now, as we move closer, to the NEW WORLD ORDER.
People, "I ain't no goddamn preacher", but the end is near. I am not talking about the end as in apocalypse, but the end as in globalization, where unity of both worlds comes to life, lords of the bling take over every single shred of virgin intelligence and the world, as we knew it comes to die. But the worst part is, that it's all done in such a manner that it resembles the infamous Irish Diplomacy: "The ability to tell someone to go to hell, so that they will be looking forward for the trip". Distraction, Misdirection performed by Harry Fucking Houdini himself and an abundance of euphemisms..
Our first, only and foremost line of defense definitely rhymes with skepticism, you unenlightened tool. Don't go talking shit relying solely on your fundamental frustrations of a pathetic existence. Don't you dare try and shape us now, as we move closer, to the NEW WORLD ORDER.
miercuri, 26 ianuarie 2011
2011 year blog number 2: we all talk bullshit and for a somehow unknown reason we tend to believe what other say until counter-evidence. But is it worth it? Yes. Why? Because if we do not believe them, we will never seek the proof that they were right for we are sufficiently ignorant to slip it. If we believe them, we will go in a journey to find if they're right. I guess what I'm trying to say is this : don't be so fucking non skeptical.
duminică, 9 ianuarie 2011
i'm dreaming
a storm is coming. i should go.
it's dark outside and i should know
that it's the end of our relationship
i did my best. i gave it all.
you took the hit so we won't fall
i should be thanking you for that.
but i am gone. i won't come back.
i met someone along the track
and she's two laps ahead.
i'm in the middle of a race.
i have to run to keep the pace
but i keep tripping.
i cannot see the finnish line,
so let's just hope that we'll be fine.
but i want to be certain.
it's dark outside and i should know
that it's the end of our relationship
i did my best. i gave it all.
you took the hit so we won't fall
i should be thanking you for that.
but i am gone. i won't come back.
i met someone along the track
and she's two laps ahead.
i'm in the middle of a race.
i have to run to keep the pace
but i keep tripping.
i cannot see the finnish line,
so let's just hope that we'll be fine.
but i want to be certain.
marți, 4 ianuarie 2011
2011 year blog number 1: I hate you all. and there are a few things I’ve learned in my journeys through this crazy little thing called life. 1) a morning of awkwardness is far better than a night of loneliness. 2) I probably won’t go down in history, but I will go down on your sister and 3), while I’m down there it might be nice to see a hint of pubis. I’m not talking about a huge 70’s playboy bush or anything, but just something that reminds me that I’m performing cunnilingus on an adult. but I guess the larger question is why are the angels so hell bent on destroying the female population?
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